When we say that we are a Locally Owned Family Business, we mean that Coast Equipment Rentals is owned by 3rd, 5th, and 6th Generation San Diegans.

Coast Equipment Rentals began with a prayer. Wanting a better life for his family, Sal prayed a prayer that would forever change life for him, his children, and his grandchildren. The answer to that prayer was a single goal: to start an Equipment Rental Yard. He began his search by driving around with his father looking for the perfect place he could begin. Driving up the 5 freeway, they cut across the 78 and spotted a small Railroad Tie business right off Emerald Dr. It was owned by a woman named Linda Barnes.

Seeing an empty space on her property, Sal asked if he could rent out that space to begin his small equipment business. Linda replied that people often asked this, and she always responded “no,” but for some reason, that she herself did not know, she said “yes” to Sal. And so, his rental business began with nothing more than some rototillers, cement mixers and small tools.

Eventually the Railroad Tie business closed down, and Sal expanded his own growing enterprise. Nevertheless, business was still extremely slow. Few people were aware of his Rental Yard, and while Sal’s inventory was growing ever so slightly, without an influx of customers, things weren’t looking too good. So, he decided to purchase an ad in the most popular advertising tools of that time—the Yellow Pages.

Once he placed the ad in the Yellow Pages, everything changed. Business really started to pick up.

Sal was able to buy bigger and better equipment. The 78 was expanded, Huff Street was connected and turned into a through street, Costco (formerly called Price Club) moved in across the freeway, and the area bustled with activity. Eventually, through more prayer and countless miracles that this article cannot contain, he got to where he is today—still serving the community that he loves with his ever-growing Equipment Rental Company.